Symptoms of asthma may be severe or mild, but it is important to identify the cause. Your doctor will recommend medication based on your medical history and physical exam. They will also monitor your breathing and rule out other underlying medical conditions. You may be on several different medications, which your doctor can discuss with you. Some of the most common medications for asthma include corticosteroids and dexamethasone.
Asthma medicines are available in many forms. Quick-relief medications are designed to relieve symptoms quickly and easily, while long-term control drugs help control asthma and help you have fewer attacks. Both types of medications have side effects, but most are minor and can be controlled with a change in dosage or frequency. You and your physician should also discuss your risk for any potential health risks before you begin taking any medicine.
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Asthma medication comes with side effects. The most common ones include sore mouth and hoarse voice. A person suffering from asthma should discuss any symptoms with their doctor. If the sore mouth and throat occur frequently, it is important to rinse the mouth with water immediately. A common side effect of an inhaler is a rapid heartbeat and headache. These side effects usually go away in a day or two.