When it comes to creating your own tmi affirmation, you can be as creative as you want. Using a whisper will help you keep your attention, and you can slowly raise the volume. Remember, your goal is to create good vibes. Ideally, you should be able to feel the good emotions that you invoke with your words. You should also try to think positively while you say your affirmation.
When it comes to reciting your tmi affirmation, start by repeating it loudly and softly. When your voice becomes a whisper, you need to start lowering your tone and focusing only on the words you are repeating. You should try to keep your mouth closed as much as possible. This will help you focus on the affirmation in a deep concentration. This is different from unconsciousness.
Final Touch
Next, you need to repeat your affirmation a few times. Do this by saying the words out loud, but keep it soft at first. Then, repeat it slowly until your voice is a whisper. Now, repeat the words in your head. While you’re saying these words, try to make sure your body does not move when you say them. By doing this, you’ll find that you can concentrate better and achieve more positive results.